Monday, April 25, 2016

the technological empire is ever growing coming in different forms like phones to tablets to smart watches and now to cars.  ingeners  have been working on the next generation of cars. they believe they can invent a self driving car. the self driving car u see in the picture is a Mercedes. the Mercedes is equipped with rotating chairs,also with a large panel. the panel is the mane-frame of the car that allows it to drive with no driver. the investors in front of the car suggest that the car has already been invented and tested. Im not sure what year they will release the car to the general public.

Monday, April 4, 2016

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the Samsung flexible  fold-able phone is a new display on how the Samsung    phone folds into a full functioning watch that take calls.Play movies,tell time, and lets u text wile its in watch form and also take pictures.this phone will be coming soon. this wrist phone will be worth the wait.
                                       GOOGLE CHROMECAST

Image result for google chromecast images

The google chromecast  mirror your computer or phone onto your TV screen  android police reports that google has finally refresh its official  hardware  availability page adding countries  including  India and Taiwan to receive the new chromecast and chromecast was launched in September.